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Add to my wishlist "Carrot and rice koji dressing"
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(2 reviews)
Add to my wishlist "Carrot and rice koji dressing"
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Sauces for salads and raw vegetables
Rice koji is the basis of traditional Japanese food culture known as "fermentation". Its roots date back to the Nara era (710 to 794).
Rice koji or malted rice is cooked rice that has been inoculated with Aspergillus oryzae, a ferment widely used in Japan.
(2 reviews)
Add to my wishlist "Carrot and rice koji dressing"
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Sauces for salads and raw vegetables
Rice koji is the basis of traditional Japanese food culture known as "fermentation". Its roots date back to the Nara era (710 to 794).
Rice koji or malted rice is cooked rice that has been inoculated with Aspergillus oryzae, a ferment widely used in Japan.
(2 reviews)