
List of products by brand MITAKE SHOKUHIN

Since its founding in 1951, Mitake Shokuhin Co., Ltd. offers consumers a variety of products that can be safely consumed, not only for professional use, but also for home use or processing of processed agricultural products.

Her master craftsmen transform the benefits of nature into traditional ingredients by exploiting their delicious original taste.

Nowadays, the company is certified ISO9001 and Organic JAS for organic.

The range of products includes primary processed, toasted and / or crushed, pulverized foods such as rice flour, kinako flour, sesame and barley.

The manufacture of its flagship product, glutinous rice flour shiratamako, widely used in pastry, was entrusted to the house Ootsuki Shokuhin of Niigata who is selecting the best rice crops, from this area, for the making of this very much demanded flour.

monday to friday from 9 am to 12:30 pm and from 2 pm to 5:30 pm

+33 (0)2 40 83 33 99

*in France, private customer,
excluding specials
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